Saturday, May 2, 2015

Have Your Ever Just Listened?

Have you ever listened to conversations amongst small children?  Most of the time, they are debating a particular perception like… is that a spider on the rug or just a black spot?  Their dialogue though juvenile in delivery has a consciousness of their own particular belief.  To most adults, their dialogue is comical and entertaining.   But if you listen closely, you will begin to see that children have a language of their own, a perception of right and wrong that is not tainted by the evidence of being older and experienced.  They know what they know and that is all.  They can debate it, and then leave it alone. Have you ever just taken a moment to just listen?

Have you ever listened to the sound of chirping birds?  In the mornings, when all is new a fresh and the past is no more, you hear the sounds that the early bird makes to start their day.  Most humans attribute this sound to their singing and it’s a sweet melody to human ears.  But perhaps, just maybe it is their way of communicating with each other , warning other birds of potential danger, or a good spot they have found for their morning meal, or maybe where they will be congregating together later in the day.  Have you ever just taken a moment to just listen?

Have you ever listened to the sounds of a city at on a rainy night?  On the surface you hear sirens, from police cars and fire trucks, distant muffled voices from a crowd of passersby, babies crying and people laughing.  But if you listen closely you can also hear the rain drops as they hit the already wet pavement or street.  You can hear the drops hitting a roof and trickling down to its next destination... leaves, bushes or a grassy knoll.  It’s a pattern, much like the pattern of life.  Have you ever just taken a moment to just listen?

These are three examples of perception and the way we choose to see, hear and process what surrounds us. We never truly listen to what the universe is saying to us about our surroundings. It shows me that the sights, vibrations and words merely hit my surface and that my opinion is quickly formed never to really taking the time to consider it being anything different.  To put it plainly, I use to take it for granted.  But there is a meaning to everything we encounter.  The meaning does not have to be grand.   It is often times simple, and it is there, my lovelies where the true beauty lies….if we just take the time to listen.

 So until the next time my lovelies…peace and blessings,



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