Tuesday, July 22, 2014

POOF… and He’s Gone. Why He’s Not Calling You Back.

So you meet a guy, and exchange telephone numbers.  He quickly gives you a call that night and the two of you talk for what seems like days.  Your official first date is everything you would expect.  He is courteous, considerate, not grabbing or touching you in inappropriate places.  The two of you walk and talk in the park, listen to music, smile and laugh, and the first date ends well.  BUT WAIT, it doesn’t stop there!  The next morning he calls to say “good morning”, and by noon he is calling taking up his entire lunch break just so that he can speak with you.  BUT WAIT, it doesn’t stop there, he calls you that night just to say “good night”.  Good start huh?

Duh, yeah, because over the course of 4 to 6 weeks, this guy doesn’t change his routine with you.  He’s calling, the two of you are going out, sharing meals together, he knows where you live and more importantly you know where he lives.  You’ve spent nights at his house for god sakes!  And then suddenly, as quickly as this started, it abruptly comes to a screeching halt! 

He may give you the courtesy of providing you with the lame excuse that he didn’t like something you had said weeks before and he needs time to wrap his head around the situation so give him a few days to deal with it, or his sorry behind just stops calling.  This is what I like to refer to as “radio silence”.  I got this phrase from watching old war movies when crewmen on a submarine, in an effort to not be detected by its enemies,  has to dive deep and cut off all communication. Head Quarters can’t even locate them.  Yeah, that’s what he is giving you right now and this leaves you, vexed, confused…down right pissed, because for you this came right out of the blue and blindsided you. Or did it?

So now your emotions are flipping back and forth from being mad and trying to figure out just what the hell happened.  I’ll tell you what happened, he STOPPED CALLING, and you need, must, nay are required to deal with it!  By now, your friends (guys and girls) are telling what to and what not to do and you just don’t seem to know what advice to take.  Well add me to your list because I’m going to give you and ear full.  Wanna hear it, here is goes.

Heck no it’s not love, but it was a connection.  Energy flows between people.  The issue now becomes clear that for him, it was only a temporary connection, way different from what you were thinking it would possibly grow into.  It’s about respect and in this case, lack thereof.  No one wants to have feelings of disrespect and abandonment.  Whether he is willing to admit it or not, a situation like this is exactly that…disrespectful.

And you do not have the time or the resources to try to figure it out.  He knows why and he chose not to tell you. It is not up to you to figure it out. Chances are that you will learn a heck of a lot more about your behavior in this situation than you know about his behavior.

Trust that anyone who does you that dirty is not going to reveal the truth just because you are blowing up his telephone with calls and texts.  In fact, HE will become annoyed every time he sees your number pop up on his phone.  His mind is made up and there is nothing you can do about it.  Believe me, when karma comes around, and trust me, it will come around, he may have the guts to pick up the phone and give you a call.  Hopefully you will be in headspace where it really doesn’t matter to you any longer.  You have to start processing the fact that you will be just fine.  Who wants to be treated like that anyway?  But instead start thinking about how to get this joker off your mind and out of your thoughts.  Which leads me to my next point…

Women need closure.  But often we believe that this closure will come from the man.  Nope, not so.  Often times, as in this case closure has to come from you. I took the time to ask some men what a woman should do when faced with this situation and the first thing they said was “leave him alone, he will call when he is ready”.  Well, “Ain’t nobody got time for that”!  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t reach out to him; I’m saying that when you do it must come from a place of true calm and respect for self.  I’m saying that call or text should be your one and final communication. 

At his point, it is no longer about him, it’s about you and the manner in which you communicate this determines whether or not it stays off.  There is nothing wrong with you expressing your feelings in a respectful manner.  When he reads it, it may not register with him right off…but believe me at some point and time it will register.  Just make sure that you are a LADY at all times.

You know the saying, the only way to get over an “old boo” is with a new one.  This can be wrong on so many levels.  Chances are, the energy that you are putting out often will attract you to the same sort of person you are trying to disconnect from.  Take some time to process this situation, ALLOW YOURSELF TO THINK, NOT OVER THINK IT.  So many times we hold on to something too long because we tell ourselves not to think about it and we feel guilty when we do.  Freely admit to yourself your feelings, only then will you be able to let it go.

Well, my lovelies, as you can see by the length of this article there is a lot to be said on this topic.  It’s hard to believe that this is still happening in 2014!  That is why there will be a Part 2, hell; it may even be a series!  Needless to say, you were a beautiful, talented and gifted person before you met him and you will be a beautiful, talented and gifted person long after he is gone, so why let this hinder you from moving on?  Don’t…IJS.  Until next time my lovelies…

Peace and blessings