Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Lessons Learned from Old Things Seen

Curious thing about consciousness, you begin to see everything in a different light.  You begin to see the original intent of a person, through their creativity, inspiration and words.

Fifteen years ago, Robert Redford directed the movie “The Legend of Bagger Vance” starring Will Smith and Matt Dillon.  Its release had some not so kind reviews.  I remember watching the film and I found it quite entertaining.  Golf was my father’s favorite sport and that aspect of the movie was easy to understand.  When I first saw the movie, it was clear to me that it was about this young war hero coming back to his home town after the war trying to pick up the broken pieces of his life.  I thought it was through the game that he loved so much as a child; he found inner strength and overcame adversity and obstacles.  But on this lazy Saturday morning, I turned on the television and by chance it was on and I felt drawn to watch it again.  This time, gleaming a different understanding of what the film was truly about.  It spoke to where I am at this stage in my life.

Find Your Authentic Self
It can’t be taught, or inherited from family, it’s something that is often forgotten and has to be remembered.  Finding your authentic self comes through the practice of life, the hardships, trials and victories in life. In referencing it to the game of golf, he likens it to a practice swing as the golfer is searching for the one shot, focused on that one shot and that shot will chose him, but he has to allow it to.

This resonated with me because I although a seemly strong person, I had a desire to please.  So when I made the decision to leave an organization over 20 years ago it changed my life drastically.  Friends and family left and I felt as if I didn’t know who I was.  I was heart-broken and lonely.  Thanks be that I know differently now, thanks be that I now know that each one of us has that “one” thing that is true to only us.  We must seek it and pursue it and that surrendering to the force behind everything we do is the first step in finding your authentic self. 

Tap Into The Unseen
Energy is the life force that surrounds us at all times.  It is the heartbeat of nature, humans and the breath and life of existence, but we rarely acknowledge or embrace it.  A blade of grass responds to sunlight differently at 10 am than it does a 5 pm.  That is not something I ever gave any thought to.  The positive and negative forces of energy are in direct correlation with our actions and the way we interact with each other, in nature and with ourselves.

Its’ Been There All Along
Moving from one moment to the next is the flow of life.  Goals are being accomplished, dreams are bigger and confidence grows stronger.  You may attribute all of this goodness to a book that you have read, a person that you’ve met or an opportunity you’ve seized.  And while all of that may be true, please know that all that you are accomplishing at this moment has been in you all along.  You are now playing your game of life, the one made especially for you alone and that was given to you when you came into the world.  Nothing was given to you that you didn’t already have; it was just a shift in your perception of how to achieve it that has made the difference.

You are and always have wonderfully and beautifully made.  Until next time my lovelies…

Peace and blessings,


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