Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to know that you are NOT his Valentines on Valentine’s Day

I polled single women around the Atlanta area asking about their most remembered Valentine’s Day experiences. Sadly, the majority of experiences were not good ones.  Below are actual calls and communications women have received on or before this holiday.  Some of them may make you chuckle some may cause you to reflect, some may make you down right mad! 

It made me wonder…In the game of love, why do some have to play dirty?    

The day BEFORE Valentine’s Day
Guy:  Oh bae, by the way, I have to work Valentine’s Day weekend
Girl:  B-but you don’t work weekends
Guy:  We are doing a special project that weekend and my boss says that I have to come in or else t
          there will be consequences.  It’s going to be all weekend long.
Girl:  So will I see you Valentine’s Day night?
Guy:  Probably not…Hell baby, I gotta sleep.

Guy:  coughing, hacking, wheezingHello (in a flu like symptom voice)
Girl:  Hey baby
Guy:  I don’t feel good, I could have the flu
Girl:  Aww, let me bring you something  ...soup, Tylenol, Vicks vapor rub…
Guy:  Noooo,N-O- absolutely not…don’t come over here at all… I should be okay by Monday

Guy:  You know that we haven’t been dating that long, not long enough to give each other gifts! 
          (You’ve been dating him for 2 years and you thought that it was exclusive…ha!)

Guy:  It’s going to be crowded in every restaurant, you know this is Atlanta. And they are going to jack up prices…tell you what, why don’t YOU just cook a nice dinner and we will have a relaxing evening…at YOUR place…AGAIN!

Valentine’s Day Eve…
Woman call Man’s phone:  
Rrring….rring…rring…(recorded message)
The number you have reached is no longer in service, please check the number and dial again.  

Guy:  Didn’t I spend the day AFTER Christmas with you?  You want me to spend Valentine’s day
           with you too? I think you’re moving too fast!
Valentine’s Day…12PM:
Guy:  “Hey baby, just calling to give you a heads up, my baby momma called and my son is over there acting a fool.  I gotta go over there to see what his problem is.  I’ll call you when I leave from over there okay?”…He doesn’t call you for 1 week.

The day AFTER Valentine’s Day, message left on your voice mail:
Guy:  Baby, I’m so sorry.  I’ve been trying to call you.  What had happen was…
          I let my boy Mike borrow my car and he said that he would have it back by 3 pm…
           and then called back and said he would have it back by 5…then he called         
          and said he had a flat and had to get a new tire…  by the time he did that he
          discovered my car had an oil leak, so he had to go by auto zone a get some oil…
         and then baby guess what…the transmission blew out on me…I’m sorry baby, I’ll make
          it up to you okay?

Guy:  Nah, nah, you misunderstood me; I didn’t say that we were together; I said that SOMETIMES
          we “get together”.  It’s a big difference in that shawaty!

Valentine’s Day can be trying for many single individuals.  But just remember, it’s just another day.  From the moment you are blessed to wake up that morning, to the moment you are thankful to lie down that night, be thankful that you have seen yet another day. 

Love comes in many forms and trust that throughout that day, you have experienced some type of love.  So be glad and rejoice in that.

Peace and blessings...


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