Thursday, August 21, 2014

Getting it Back – Know Your Worth

Have you noticed that people are talking more and more about knowing what they are worth?  You can’t get on Facebook or Instagram without reading an inspirational quote about knowing your value.  Television shows, seminars and conferences are being conducted on the importance of knowing who you are and how to value yourself.  This leads me to believe that there is power and protection in knowing your worth.

We all get lost from time to time.  I believe that life and the many phases of it change us.  We begin to doubt ourselves and tend to overlook behaviors in ourselves and in others that we shouldn’t, we lose our ability to say “no”.  We give and we give until one day, we realize that all this giving is for the birds, and if you are governed by the Christian principle of love we often forget that this principle also includes the ability to say “no”.  And it is in this place where our search begins, or enlightened period starts…a change is coming.

 To be honest, I found myself in this place before and I wanted to “get it back—my worth”.  What I found is that there is no clear cut formula to follow because each of us has our own journey to travel through life.  Only we know what needs to change and what needs to remain the same, who needs to stay and who needs to leave, but everything has a starting point and for me mine was…

Don’t be so Darn Hard on Yourself
Let’s face it; giving without receiving anything is return is a hard pill to swallow.  You feel used, inadequate and just plain ‘ol dumb.  But you are not, nor have you ever been because what you gave, time, money, friendship, love, etc. came from the heart.  It came from a pure place and because of that you were protected the entire time.  If the only thing that happened was that you got your feelings hurt then lesson learned and take the necessary steps to move forward. 

Ask for Guidance
Being the spiritual person that I am, I know that my strength does not come from me but from a higher source and that I why I read, meditate and pray.  This opens the door to infinite possibilities.  But I am not specific per se in what I am asking for.  Your words are important and most time we are not saying the right words in the right order. Whenever I am unsure in the matter of giving myself or my time, I am not specific.  How can I be when it is at this point that I do not know where to start?  Here is what I learned to asked,   I say “whatever your will is in this situation of loving and giving, your will be done.  When there is a person or situation in which my giving is involved, let your will be done so that I may act accordingly.  If there are any misgivings in this matter, please reveal it to me beforehand and spare me the agony of going all the way through it”.  And that is where I leave it, in his hands, and to quote Momma Dee “and in that order”.  All is revealed in time. 

Oh what a wonderful way to give to yourself!  There is nothing like standing in front of that mirror or riding down the highway reciting wonderful and positive things about you!  The keys to solid affirmations are:

 1) Practice it daily
 2) Affirm something that is easy for you to remember and call to mind

Positive affirmations reinforce what you already know about yourself in your subconscious but are too afraid to say aloud.  Affirmations produce belief, which produces change, and in turn produces growth. 

Practice what You Preach
If one of your affirmations is to love yourself, then do it.  This goes far beyond pampering yourself at the spa or getting your hair and nails done on a regular basis, those things are necessary as well.  But it also involves what and who you allow in your life and their treatment of you.  If you affirm that you are beautiful, then act like it.  If you affirm that you deserve true love, do not settle for anything less than.  The more you affirm, and practice what you affirm, you will see a change in your actions AND the type of people who will cross your path.

 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day
Neither is the process of getting your worth back.  It takes time, reassurance, belief and practice.  Don’t be so time driven thinking that it should happen within a specified time period.  Surround yourself with healthy, positive people who love and respect you just as much as you do them. 

Life is way too short to sell yourself short.  We all have a purpose here on earth and it is certainly not to feel bad about ourselves and undervalued.  Knowing your worth transcends across many areas in our life from careers, to friendships, personal goals and relationships.  It is the very foundation we all need to live healthy, purpose driven lives…and that my lovelies is the truest lesson of them all.  I’m just saying.  Until next time my lovelies…

Peace and blessings,


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