Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wudda, Cudda, Shudda!

If you are thinking to yourself that by now you should have done this, or could have done that, you are defeating yourself!  Thinking about the past does not move you forward.  But yet, some think this phrase is motivating.  This thought is one of the reasons why you haven’t gotten any further than you are right now.

Says Who?
You say “you should be further along than this”, and I say…”Who says?”  If the opportunity, position, spouse, relationship, or family was handed to you right now, what would you do?  Do you know?  All I am saying is this, saying that we should be at a certain point in our life just because we are at a certain age or in a certain career does not mean that we would have known how to handle it.  What do you have in place that has prepared you for the transition? 

·         When you get the position, along with the new and challenging projects, are you ready for new team members?  What behaviors would you leave behind or take to your new team?

·         When you get that full-time committed relationship, are you willing to make unselfish sacrifices without complaining? Are you really ready for someone to occupy your space on a full-time basis?

·         When you become parent, are you ready to unselfishly give up your lifestyle as you know it and embrace all that comes with parenthood?

Want vs. Purpose
There is always a void in your life when your wants are not aligned with your purpose.  Before saying where you think that you should be first, figure out your purpose in life.  Finding your purpose is a time consuming journey. Not everyone can be president, but everyone can contribute to the world in one way or another.  As you find your purpose in the world you also begin to walk into what has been destined for you to obtain and grow to.  Find your purpose…find your life.

Your Thoughts Govern Your Actions
Being mindful of how our thoughts are manifested in by words, we would be careful with our thinking.  If you are always staying to yourself and others “I know that I should be further along than this”, you are actually complaining and doubting the place where you are right now.  Be grateful for where you are at the moment and plan your next move with purpose and not desperation. How you phrase your words makes all the difference in the world.

A defeated mentality gets you nothing but defeat, so stop living in the past and leave the wudda, cudda and shudda behind.

Peace and Blessings,


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