Sunday, December 29, 2013

There is Always Room for Love

You are never too old to learn something new.  My grandson Elijah turns two years old today.  Of course, it is a big deal to our family but you may be wondering to yourself “what does this have to do with me?”  Well, there is a lesson for all in this brief story.  This lesson will resonate with each of you, without you knowing this little boy.  Just take a few moments and read.

Elijah's conception was a surprise (well, at least for me it was).  You see my daughter was in a relationship with a young male that well, I thought was not good for her.  And, to be honest, I didn’t like him.  But this story is not about them, this story is about who came from them.  Already having a precious granddaughter, I thought that my immediate family was complete. My daughter could go back to school, find part-time work and get her life back on track.  All this was put on hold with the news of a 2nd pregnancy.  From my perspective, as the only person working a full-time job in the home, I would be placed under more financial strain, more food to buy, more clothes to buy, additional daycare, transportation, and the list goes on and on.   Not to mention the mental and emotional strain of having a male that I did not like, and who I believed did not treat my daughter as he should as a permanent fixture in our lives. And while I never believed that I would not love this unborn child; I did not know that my love for him would be like this.

In every way, bringing this child into the world was hard, emotionally, financially and physically.  Erin worked more than her share of 17 hour day at a nearby Waffle House just to bring in some money to cover some of her and Ariah’s expenses, and to prepare for his birth.  I was working a contract job at the time and worked extra hours at night and on weekends just to buy the necessary items one need’s when having a new child.  We didn’t expect anything from anyone else figuring if they did come through, it would be an extra blessing.  Then one day on her regular doctor’s visits, the doctor told Erin that the baby was losing weight inside her womb and that she would have to deliver him immediately!  I was at work when her call came in and had to leave straight away and take Ariah to her father’s house which was an hour and a half away.  I did not know if I could make the trip and get back in time for his birth, so I called two of my girlfriends to be there with Erin just in case.  I thank them to this day for their covering.  My only thoughts at that point were to get my granddaughter to her destination safely and that if Erin had the baby before I arrived, that they were in good health. Elijah’s father and his family were contacted as well.  I made it in time for the birth and although he was underweight, mother and baby were fine.

Now, here is how my experience may connect with you.  This experience has taught me the power and benefits from love and forgiveness.  Elijah has taught me that through him, I am able to see a different part of his father, the part that loves and cares for him and seeing this part of him, I am able to forgive him of our past incidents.  Until this day, I never thought that I could forgive, but this forgiveness is not for him… because it frees me.  It frees me to give and to get the love both Elijah and I deserve. 

Through Elijah I am reminded of how much I love my own sister.  The love that little boy has for his older sister is sweet, innocent and protective.  I am thankful that they have each other to lean on in this crazy world, as I have through the years leaned on my sister for love and support. 

But most of all, Elijah has taught me that I am still capable of experiencing “abundant love”, “in spite of love” and” because of love”.  He has taught me that one does not have to s-t-r-e-t-c-h to let someone into your life, and that if you open your heart just a little, it comes naturally. Both he and his sister teach me daily to show love to people even if I do not know them.  How freeing and wonderful this is!

So “thank you” Elijah, your presence in this world is changing the way your Mimi sees the world, and is also capable once again to experience the awesome power of love and gratitude.  Happy Birthday and...

Peace and blessings,


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