Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Beautiful One, Unapologetically…Remembering Prince

I heard the news this afternoon and just like everyone else around the world was shocked, saddened and dismayed.  Now, I never write about story the day that it breaks, don’t know I just don’t.  But today, it was the only that I could thing about.  Like so many others, Prince’s death is affecting me and I didn’t know why.  Yes, I have his records, seen his movies, been to his concerts, seen interviews but I have never met him personally or even came close to it.  Why does this mean so much to me??

Maybe it is because like me, he was born under the Twin sign Gemini.  You know the sign that everyone loves to hate because people think that we are moody.  We are not moody, we just feel things and it is that which takes over us. The sign that is highly communicative, creative and artistic…naturally.  The sign that says what they want when they desire to so, but prefer to live their lives in secret.  No need for fanfare, no need to be the life of the party or to live our lives out in front, we carry that in us  and validation from those we love is most important. Respect the art, creativeness and talent that is all. 

Maybe it is because Prince Roger Nelson was unapologetically himself.  Small in stature but larger than life in confidence and talent; from the hair, to the heels to the “eyes” he was what saw and what you didn’t see at the same time.  When you looked at him, (when you were allowed to) you couldn’t quite figure out what he was thinking, you only knew what he thought when sang.  Sensual, sexy and quite “freakish” he brought that side out of every human and made it okay to say yes to sensuality.

Maybe it was his ability to find his truth in his religious beliefs and turn his life in that direction. He was not the man he used to be.  Unapologetic, he took the time to know and look at the bible in a clean simple way and just to see God, Jehovah, Yahweh for who he is without religious dogma.  I understand and respect that. 

But mainly, I feel a kinship due to the fact that he loved his culture following no one’s rule (he never voted) but instead chose the symbol of love, the most important possession anyone can have.  At age 57, he left this earth way too soon.  And as my friend said "May Yahweh bless his spirit because his soul has died with his flesh".  

My favorite Prince song is “The Beautiful Ones” –“I may not know where I’m going baby, I may not know what I need.  But one thing, one thing is for certain baby I know what I want, and if it  please you baby, please you baby, I’m begging down on my knees.  I want you” –makes me cry every time I hear it.

Until next time my lovelies, remember… there’s only love.

Peace and Blessings,


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