Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Gift

Gifts…everybody loves them.  Some gifts are extremely extravagant and some are as simple as single stemmed rose or heartwarming card.  It can come from people we know, and people we don’t know.  It can be a word, a glance or a nod an acknowledgement of being seen.  No matter the gift, people generally appreciate it.  All of us have the ability to give the greatest gift of all, and that is the gift of love.  We all possess this gift and we all are capable of giving it.  But this article is not about the “gift giver”, this article is about the receiver of the gift…just how grateful are you for the gift of love?

The gift of love is not parked in a driveway, nor is it worn on your finger, around your neck or wrist.  There is no price tag associated with it and there is not enough money in the world to buy it.  The gift of love is in many ways intangible by nature but can be touched and felt as if you were to reach up to scratch the nose on your face.   Have you given any thought as to just how valuable that simple act is? Many of us simply scratch and move on, not giving it another thought.

 In a world of entitlement minded people, the thought is that the gift giver is supposed to give. What a selfish way to live.  In relationship with an entitlement minded person intent is evidenced by selfish behavior and words.  Entitlement minded people think like this because they fail to realize that the hand that reached up to scratch their nose although it has value, does not have a choice as it was designed to do that.   

Perhaps you are not an entitlement minded person, maybe you are simply unaware of the gift of love that is all around you.  Yesterday, I saw the movie “Miracles from Heaven” throughout the entire movie the gift of love was being poured on a family struggling to care for an ill child.  The mother, played by Jennifer Gardner lost her faith in god, whereby blocking her view to see all the love that was being shown to her and her family during their crisis.  But once her faith was restored, her ability to see and to appreciate the gifts of love received from friends and strangers became clear as crystal.  Faith, love and appreciation go hand-in hand my lovelies. 

Giving is a choice in which I’ve seen many practice on a daily basis and reciprocated in like manner, while on the other hand, I’ve seen where some simply give it very little thought.  So today my lovelies, I ask that we take the first step in being grateful receivers by” tuning in”.  Tune into the love that surrounds you.  Make it a point to acknowledge the smallest acts of love and of kindness especially from strangers. Don’t just assume that’s what people are supposed to do, appreciate it and watch how often it comes to you.

Until next time my lovelies…Peace & blessings and remember…There is only love.



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