Sunday, January 17, 2016

It’s not about the year, it’s about YOU.

I’ve been on hiatus for the last 3 months, moving, spending time with family and ringing in the New Year!  But now I can say…I’m back!

We are mid way into the first month in the New Year, how’s it going for you so far?  I have given great thought to what this New Year means to me and I have to tell you…I’ve got nothing.  I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just that I have decided this year not to put any type pressure on the year 2016. Sure, I have goals to meet, but in the words of Ray Charles “I’m gonna let it do what it do baby”! 

I’ve read countless posts and memes on social media on how 2016 will be a “YEAR of SUCCESS”, the “YEAR of YES”, “THE BEST YEAR EVER”.  I have to tell you that each year, month day or second that I get to see is ALL of the above.  When I first said this to a friend she said, “I understand what you are saying, but many people feel that the start of a new year is a time to reset, a clean slate”. But isn’t that what we do every day our eyes open in the morning?  We reset, we give thanks to god for granting us the opportunity to get something right today.  So why would we abandon our daily appreciation for just one specific year?   

Let’s be honest with ourselves, 2016 will present some pretty significant challenges, its inevitable.  But the good news is that with each challenge, we have yet another day to conquer it, and with every success we have we also have the opportunity give thanks for it and to do just a little bit better.   Hopefully, in 2015, we learned a lot about ourselves and made changes in our lives physically, mentally and spiritually.  We had the fortitude to keep moving forward, so carry that momentum into this New Year and keep going!  Remember, it’s not about the year…it’s about YOU!

Until next time my lovelies…always peace and blessings.




  1. Yes Yes Yes ....moving forward is all its about progression yes from day to day but for sure year to year. Great first article! Let the muse flow

  2. Yes...and thank you for continuing to support me in this endeavor!
