Thursday, October 17, 2013

Living in Atlanta - It's Fall

This is one of the many things that I love about Atlanta and the surrounding areas.  You can be stuck in grid lock traffic on I85 one minute and exit off the ramp to a quaint part of the city and notice that the season has indeed changed.

Yesterday morning when I walked out of the house, I noticed the chill in the air but really didn't pay attention to anything else except getting to work on time.  By the time I left work I guessed it.. in TRAFFIC.  Yet another distraction!  Exiting off the exit ramp, the scenery changed, traffic thinned out, and before I knew it I noticed the color of leaves on the trees changed.  At the stop light, I looked to my left and saw this sea of "orange".  It was so bright I stared at it for what I thought was a moment, but then snapped out of my daze as the car behind me blew its horn for me to move forward. The sea of "orange" was a pumpkin patch...and it was then that I realized fall was here.

Now this may not seem like a big deal for you, but a change in seasons for me represents yet another change or phase in life. This past summer, I turned a year older and celebrated my birthday with style.  I traveled to another country and made new friends in the process.  I was carefree, enjoying the sunshine, ready to go wherever... whenever.  As the season changed to cooler weather, there is a tendency to be reflective, still and quiet.  To stay in Sunday afternoons and lie on the couch watching football and eating hot wings. To get my mind and menu started for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Good times none the less.

I am so glad now that I can  recognize and appreciate the changes in my life. For me, change is growth and as I change and grow in this fall/winter season, I am excited about it and look forward to wrapping up in my blanket on the couch, starting a new winter project, laughing and talking with family and friends, and most of all...growing.   

Happy Fall Everyone!

Peace and blessings,

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